Lifestyle Business Quest Podcast

Cancer to Coaching - How Cancer Saved My Life and Gave Me the Courage to Grow a Thriving Multimillion Dollar Coaching Business

July 08, 2024 Travis Greenlee Season 1 Episode 1
Cancer to Coaching - How Cancer Saved My Life and Gave Me the Courage to Grow a Thriving Multimillion Dollar Coaching Business
Lifestyle Business Quest Podcast
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Lifestyle Business Quest Podcast
Cancer to Coaching - How Cancer Saved My Life and Gave Me the Courage to Grow a Thriving Multimillion Dollar Coaching Business
Jul 08, 2024 Season 1 Episode 1
Travis Greenlee

Over the past 25 years, I've supported passionate coaches in growing thriving businesses. But today, I want to share a deeply personal story with you.

Twenty-five years ago, I found myself in a hospital bed, battling stage four melanoma.

As chemo burned through my veins, I realized my life was out of control.

That moment of fear and vulnerability became a turning point. I vowed to design a life filled with peace, love, and purpose.

Fast forward to today, I live a life of freedom in Steamboat Springs, Colorado.

I enjoy 100+ days of snow skiing, mountain biking, and quality time with my soulmate, Teresa.

My coaching business continues to flourish, and I am passionate about helping others achieve the same freedom.

Are you living the life you truly love? If not, it's time to start creating it. Life is precious, and every moment counts.

Listen in to today's episode about growing a freedom-based coaching business and let's move your from scarcity to abundance all while enhancing the lives of those you touch.

For more insights, join our free Masterclass at

Key Takeaways:

  • Create a freedom-based lifestyle coaching business by leveraging your time and effort.
  • Focus on providing transformation to your clients, not just information.
  • Simplify your process and get into momentum to boost your confidence and income.
  • Believe in your program and its ability to make a life-changing impact.
  • Design a life filled with peace, love, and abundance.


00:00 Introduction to the Lifestyle Business Quest Podcast
01:25 Travis Greenlee's Journey: From Cancer Battle to Coaching Success
12:13 The Power of Momentum and Simplicity in Coaching
14:58 Providing Transformation, Not Just Information
16:23 Believing in Your Program and Making a Life-Changing Impact

To Learn more about growing a Thriving Lifestyle Coaching Business, grab your FREE Masterclass Training Today!

Show Notes Transcript

Over the past 25 years, I've supported passionate coaches in growing thriving businesses. But today, I want to share a deeply personal story with you.

Twenty-five years ago, I found myself in a hospital bed, battling stage four melanoma.

As chemo burned through my veins, I realized my life was out of control.

That moment of fear and vulnerability became a turning point. I vowed to design a life filled with peace, love, and purpose.

Fast forward to today, I live a life of freedom in Steamboat Springs, Colorado.

I enjoy 100+ days of snow skiing, mountain biking, and quality time with my soulmate, Teresa.

My coaching business continues to flourish, and I am passionate about helping others achieve the same freedom.

Are you living the life you truly love? If not, it's time to start creating it. Life is precious, and every moment counts.

Listen in to today's episode about growing a freedom-based coaching business and let's move your from scarcity to abundance all while enhancing the lives of those you touch.

For more insights, join our free Masterclass at

Key Takeaways:

  • Create a freedom-based lifestyle coaching business by leveraging your time and effort.
  • Focus on providing transformation to your clients, not just information.
  • Simplify your process and get into momentum to boost your confidence and income.
  • Believe in your program and its ability to make a life-changing impact.
  • Design a life filled with peace, love, and abundance.


00:00 Introduction to the Lifestyle Business Quest Podcast
01:25 Travis Greenlee's Journey: From Cancer Battle to Coaching Success
12:13 The Power of Momentum and Simplicity in Coaching
14:58 Providing Transformation, Not Just Information
16:23 Believing in Your Program and Making a Life-Changing Impact

To Learn more about growing a Thriving Lifestyle Coaching Business, grab your FREE Masterclass Training Today!

Hello and welcome to the Lifestyle Business Quest Podcast. A show that empowers you to grow a thriving coaching business around a lifestyle you dream of. Working with clients you love working with from anywhere in the world. Listen in as your host Travis Greenlee shares his best tips, tools and strategies from over 25 years of supporting passionate coaches to make a bigger impact. Enjoy more personal freedom and live the lives they truly love.

Well, all right, welcome to episode number one of the Lifestyle Business Quest podcast. I'm Travis Greenlee, your host, and it's an absolute honor to have you with us. I just can't tell you how excited I am about this podcast. I felt like it is time to share with you all the tips and the tricks and the software and the strategies to growing a highly successful, freedom -based lifestyle business to

to talk about all the things that I've experienced, the highs and the lows and everything in between, because it has been a crazy ass ride to this point. Episode number one, by sharing my story, because I could probably imagine there are a lot of you out there that are thinking, who the heck is this Travis Greenlee guy? So let me give you a little context. Let me give you a little perspective over the past 25 years in terms of my...

experience in the coaching industry from stage four cancer to growing a multi -million dollar coaching business. It was a little over 25 years ago and I remember laying in my hospital bed feverishly listening to the rhythm of the pumps as they pushed chemo into my veins. What a strange sensation. I mean I could literally feel the burning poison travel from limb to limb throughout my body.

starting with my shoulder and then into my chest and then into my stomach, I suddenly sat up and with an uncontrollable surge, vomited and began to cry like never before. It was in that moment I realized that my life was out of control and that there was a good chance that I wouldn't make it. Yep, a scary time in my life. I mean, I had just been diagnosed with stage four melanoma and was undergoing my first round of chemo.

I knew I was in bad shape from the tears that fell from my dad's eyes as he videotaped my struggle. You see, my dad has always been my hero, so strong and so full of belief, and to see him in a place of utter pain and helplessness was overwhelming. Not knowing what to feel, how to react, or what to expect, I calmly slipped into a place that I'd never been before. I mean, it was surreal. It was almost magical. My mind raced. Was I going to die? Would I make it?

What about my dreams? Would I have the opportunity to raise a family or to build a business to make a difference? And I remember gazing out my hospital window to the part below, watching the families playing together, dogs running and children rolling around on the fallen leaves, living life to its fullest. I felt sorry for myself. I thought, God, why me? I mean, what have I done to deserve such pain and such fear? I'm only 34 and I have my entire life ahead of me.

You see, up to that point, I felt invincible, as if I would live forever. I mean, I never really gave much thought to the possibility of dying before my parents, my friends, and my family. I acted as if I had all the time in the world to be able to create my dream life. Not that I wasn't doing well. I mean, after all, I was successful in many respects. I had a wonderful job as a financial consultant and business advisor with Merrill Lynch.

An impressive title on my business card, I drove a nice car, I lived in Newport Beach, California. I thought I had it all together. But looking back, I realized how small I had been playing. I had one foot in and one foot out the door, not truly on purpose with anything. I was sitting in the stands watching the game rather than stepping up to the plate and swinging the bat myself. I talked about my goals and my aspirations. I dreamt about them.

yet I never really took the actions necessary to allow them to happen. Deep down, I guess I was afraid. I mean, afraid of failure and what people might think of me and afraid of taking a risk that may not work out. I was even afraid of becoming successful because of the added responsibility that it would bring. What crazy thoughts. It was in that defining moment while fading in and out of consciousness that I committed to designing and creating the life that I always wanted. One filled with peace and love and vitality and security and financial abundance, unlimited opportunity to follow my passion and my purpose and to make a difference in the lives of those I touch through coaching. And since then, life has never been the same. It's been a miracle and a blessing. As soon as I began to get out of the sickness and as soon as I began to be able to move forward,

I was out golfing one afternoon and I met a gentleman named Sandy Vilas. Come find out Sandy Vilas is literally the pioneer of the life in the business coaching industry. How random, how crazy is this? We got together, we began golfing and I asked him, I said, hey, what do you do? And vice versa, he asked me about me and I told him about my journey and how I was a financial advisor and how I'd lost everything financially and...

live with my parents as I fought this cancer battle and now is ready for the next stage, but I didn't know what the next stage was. And he says, you should be a business coach. I'm like, well, what's a business coach? And he says, well, there's life coaches, there's business coaches. It's a brand new industry that's really beginning to take shape. And because he had done it for so long, right? Being the first president of the ICF, the International Coaching Federation.

He was the CEO of CoachU and Corporate CoachU. Sandy literally was the OG. He was the leader of the entire industry. And he said, I'll take you under my wing. I'll teach you. I'll train you. I'll mentor you. I'll show you everything that I can about how to build a successful business and how to truly make a difference in other people's lives. And I thought, well, hell yes. I am in. I am all in. We went to a convention down in Denver. I live up here in Steamboat Springs, Colorado.

Went to convention, he introduced me to all the players in the coaching space. I listened to the trainings. I listened to the motivational speeches, all the talks, everything that was being shared. And I thought, you know, this is it. This is my ministry. This is my Dharma. This is what God really wants me to do and how he wants me to help and how he wants me to serve. And so I went all in. Right? Again, this is a long, long time ago. Keep that in the perspective.

And so it's taken me years of hard work to be able to build that life back. But from a health perspective, I'm feeling great. I mean, better than ever. I mean, I'm riding my mountain bike every day. I'm snow skiing over a hundred days a year, hiking, golfing, working on a daily basis. I just absolutely love it. 20 years ago, I fell in love with and married my soulmate, Teresa. It's just been an absolute gift and a blessing. And for those of you who are maybe having a hard time,

and maybe you've been through some of these challenges, you know what I'm talking about, right? It gives you an appreciation when you go through the hard times and maybe you're going through it right now as we can see this as a miracle, as we can see this as a blessing, as an opportunity to give you clarity in terms of what might be next for you. That's what I found personally to be the miracle. I found coaching and the ability to be able to help and serve each and every one of you the best that I possibly can.

We have a beautiful home in our town of Steamboat Springs. We enjoy an amazing community, loving friends. I've written three bestselling books and our lifestyle coaching business continues to flourish and to support thousands of professionals just like you to enjoy more fulfilling lives. So my question is, how about you? I mean, if you really think about it, if you're really honest with yourself now, are you living the life that you truly love?

Are you enjoying a life filled with peace and with happiness and with joy and with abundance? Are you truly excited to be alive? Because the message of my story is very simple. It's important to realize how delicate and how precious life really is. I mean, your life is a gift from God that should be appreciated and nurtured and cherished, living each day as if it were your last, taking the time to appreciate the many blessings and truly enjoying the moment. And as you do,

You're going to discover the miraculous just as I did. And that is my goal and that is my commitment. And that is why we have the Lifestyle Business Quest podcast is to share the ups, to share the downs, to share the frustrations, the dark night of the soul. Believe me, I've had them all. I've been through them all. And I'm going to share without the BS. I'm not going to sugar coat it. I'm going to tell it exactly like it is so that I can help and I can serve you to grow the business that you truly love. Now, let me tell you something that actually might shock you. As a self -made millionaire, I really don't care that much about money. I mean, that's right. To me, money is just a way of keeping track of the difference that we make in the world. The more good we do, the bigger the impact we make, the more money we earn. What really matters to me and for my clients is freedom.

to be able to wake up in the morning and grab my wife and dogs and have the ability to do whatever we want in the moment. To rock a mountain bike ride up Emerald Mountain here in Steamboat Springs, my absolute favorite. To snow ski every morning in the winter time or to jump on a plane, shoot over to Maui, we've done it four times. It's so incredible to be able to call your own shots, to truly have freedom, to move out of scarcity.

any type of financial scarcity or emotional scarcity or fear into abundance and then into prosperity. That's what we're going to do here with the Lifestyle Business Podcast. We're going to move you from one stage out of scarcity into abundance and then also into prosperity as well. In other words, to be able to be anywhere, anytime, doing what you truly want to do with whomever you choose. It's only now that we have the opportunity to truly enjoy this kind of

go anywhere, do anything, freedom and adventure. So if you don't have this kind of freedom now, it's time to start creating it. I mean, the clock is ticking. We're not young anymore, right? Things have changed. We've gone through COVID. It's a challenging time for a lot of people. And you've heard the phrase, if not now, when? Right? The clock's ticking, especially with all the recent changes in the world. And if you think about it,

Time is life. So every moment that you spend without the right clients, working for too little, grinding out day after day is just another moment that you've lost of your life forever. So how do we create this freedom? Lifestyle business quest, a freedom -based lifestyle coaching business is all about designing and growing a freedom -based lifestyle with the power of leverage. Check this out.

Freedom -based leverage is producing the maximum amount of value for your clients in the minimal amount of time with the least amount of effort. Let me say that one more time. This is really powerful. I really want you to grasp this. Freedom -based leverage is producing the maximum amount of value for your clients in the minimal amount of effort and time to be able to allow you to do the things that you really want to do.

And at the Lifestyle Business Quest, we teach our clients exactly how to do that. So here's how we do it. We teach you to get crystal clear on how to share your story, how to share your message and how to best serve your clients. As we create a super simple and a compelling offer, you're naturally going to attract clients like bees to honey. The key is that you get into momentum as quickly as possible so that we can boost your confidence and we can increase your income.

to be able to scale that business. You see, momentum is a very powerful thing. If you're not in momentum now, that's where we need to start. We need to keep things super, super simple, right? The acronym KISS, K -I -S -S, keep it super simple, and to get you into momentum. And so momentum is cashflow. You don't need to learn a bunch more, right? And I'm not going to give you a ton of theory here in the Lifestyle Business Quest podcast.

I'm going to teach you steps. I'm going to teach you software. I'm going to give you tools and resources that actually work today. Less is more. We're going to simplify the process so we can get you into momentum. We can get you into cashflow so you can create confidence because once we do, you're going to become unstoppable. We then help you to create your signature program and your offering, your course, utilizing AI and all the software and all the tools.

to be able to help as many people as you can so we can scale and to be able to earn an incredible freedom -based income. Because with the proper personal coaching accountability course model, which is what we're going to teach you, again, this is a hybrid between having the benefits of a course and the structure and the curriculum of a course and then the accountability of using the software to be able to work personally one -on -one with your clients. That's what we all want.

We want the handholding, we want the accountability, we want the knowledge. We want to know exactly what to do to be able to get to the results as quickly as humanly possible with as minimal effort and as minimal brain damage. And that's what we're going to teach you how to do so that you can serve more clients only working a few hours a week because coaching and interaction happen online and you can do this and you can work from anywhere in the world.

beauty of our process and we're going to be teaching you here in the quest. So, boom, true freedom. I mean, your clients get transformation, not information, right? That's a big one as well. People don't necessarily want more information. What we want is transformation. We want to get to our goals. We want to get the deliverables as quickly and as easily as possible. And that's what we're going to teach you. Teach you as well as teaching your clients.

as we duplicate and as we continue to grow. You're working with them through all the steps that they're going to need to achieve their goals. You're holding their hands through the whole process. And so what this does is this means that you're going to make a massive impact in the lives of those you touch and they're going to love you for it. Remember, what clients are paying for is outcome, a life -changing outcome that's worth much more than the money.

A lot of times people say, my gosh, clients these days, they just can't afford it. It's such a tough economy. You know what? We've heard this forever. But when you have a program that you believe in, you've worked through it, you've designed it, you've developed it, it's a world -class program, it's your passion project that you absolutely love, it's the game that's worth playing that gets your ass out of bed every day, excited to be able to play this and to be able to help and to serve your clients the best that you possibly can. I tell you,

money will no longer be an issue for you. You will get into momentum. You will get into cash flow. You will move out of scarcity into abundance and then also into prosperity. So don't you think it's about time to start doing this, to start looking at this and to start creating the magic of a freedom -based lifestyle coaching business? That's what we're going to do. And that's what I'm so excited to share with you. I'm going to be bringing on clients, clients that I've worked with over the past that are earning six and seven figure businesses. We're going to talk about the exact strategies that they've implemented, what they're doing, how they're doing it. We're going to be talking to business leaders on social media marketing, on organic marketing, how to generate leads, how to get traffic, how to be able to set up your systems and your software, everything that it takes. Keeping it simple. Remember the acronym KISS, keep it super simple. So that's going to be our main theme is we're going to keep it all very simple.

But yet, I'm going to give you all the steps that you need, all the tools, all the resources, all the strategy. We're going to keep it simple. And I promise you, if you continue to show up, you continue to engage in the process, you take what you've learned here and you implement it, you put it into place, you will not fail. You will quickly move from any type of scarcity to abundance that's going to give you time freedom. It's going to give you financial freedom. You're going to be able to call your own shots.

you're going to be able to create the life that you truly want once and for all. So other than that, welcome. It's an honor to have you with us and the lifestyle business quest podcast. Go tell all your coaching friends, the people that you love, the people that you care about, bring them in, share all this information so that we can make the biggest difference for as many people as we possibly can.

Thanks for joining us on the Lifestyle Business Quest Podcast. To learn more about growing a thriving coaching business, be sure to grab our free masterclass at LifestyleBusinessQuest .com. We wish you all the happiness and success in the world, and we look forward to connecting with you again soon.