Lifestyle Business Quest Podcast

Overcoming Fear with Master Hypnotherapist Steve Roehm

July 15, 2024 Travis Greenlee Season 1 Episode 2
Overcoming Fear with Master Hypnotherapist Steve Roehm
Lifestyle Business Quest Podcast
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Lifestyle Business Quest Podcast
Overcoming Fear with Master Hypnotherapist Steve Roehm
Jul 15, 2024 Season 1 Episode 2
Travis Greenlee

In this episode, host Travis Greenlee interviews Steve Roehm, a Master Hypnotherapist with 25 years of experience teaching coaches and therapists to get out of their own way and grow the lifestyle businesses they truly love. 

They discuss Steve's journey into hypnotherapy and the power of mindset in achieving success.

They also explore the role of fear and how to overcome it, as well as the importance of value and having a solid business system.

Steve shares valuable insights and advice for new coaches and hypnotherapists looking to build a successful business.

hypnotherapy, mindset, fear, value, coaching, business system, success


  • Hypnotherapy can be a powerful tool for personal transformation and growth.
  • The key to success is having a strong mindset and overcoming fear.
  • Value is essential in building a successful business, and it's important to understand your own worth.
  • Having a solid business system is crucial for long-term success.
  • Consistency and perseverance are key in achieving your goals

Sound Bites:

"It's not about me. It's about you."
"The stories that we tell ourselves and how it negatively affects us."
"Just because you don't think you can, doesn't mean you can't."


00:00 Introduction and Background
01:15 Steve's Journey into Hypnotherapy
03:48 Understanding Mindset and Overcoming Fear
08:19 The Importance of Value and Self-Worth
13:46 Building a Solid Business System
19:06 Consistency and Perseverance in Achieving Success

Steve Roehm, Master Hypnotherapist
Travis Greenlee, Master Lifestyle Business Mentor

To Learn more about growing a Thriving Lifestyle Coaching Business, grab your FREE Masterclass Training Today!

Show Notes Transcript

In this episode, host Travis Greenlee interviews Steve Roehm, a Master Hypnotherapist with 25 years of experience teaching coaches and therapists to get out of their own way and grow the lifestyle businesses they truly love. 

They discuss Steve's journey into hypnotherapy and the power of mindset in achieving success.

They also explore the role of fear and how to overcome it, as well as the importance of value and having a solid business system.

Steve shares valuable insights and advice for new coaches and hypnotherapists looking to build a successful business.

hypnotherapy, mindset, fear, value, coaching, business system, success


  • Hypnotherapy can be a powerful tool for personal transformation and growth.
  • The key to success is having a strong mindset and overcoming fear.
  • Value is essential in building a successful business, and it's important to understand your own worth.
  • Having a solid business system is crucial for long-term success.
  • Consistency and perseverance are key in achieving your goals

Sound Bites:

"It's not about me. It's about you."
"The stories that we tell ourselves and how it negatively affects us."
"Just because you don't think you can, doesn't mean you can't."


00:00 Introduction and Background
01:15 Steve's Journey into Hypnotherapy
03:48 Understanding Mindset and Overcoming Fear
08:19 The Importance of Value and Self-Worth
13:46 Building a Solid Business System
19:06 Consistency and Perseverance in Achieving Success

Steve Roehm, Master Hypnotherapist
Travis Greenlee, Master Lifestyle Business Mentor

To Learn more about growing a Thriving Lifestyle Coaching Business, grab your FREE Masterclass Training Today!

Welcome, welcome, welcome. Welcome back to the Lifestyle Business Quest podcast. I'm Travis Greenlee, your host. And as always, it's an honor to have you with us. I've got a super, super powerful episode for you today. Today we've got my longtime buddy, Steve Rehm with us. Let me tell you a little bit about Steve. He is a master hypnotherapist, 25 years of experience, helping other hypnotherapists with mindset, with performance.

help them to grow their businesses and all facets of their lives. Man, Steve, you're like the OG, right? Like you've been in this game a long ass time. The OG, as in old? You and I both, man. I don't know whose hair is grayer, yours or mine, man.

Steve Roehm (00:35.913)

Definitely the old

Steve Roehm (00:48.558)
I don't know. Yeah, I don't know. Good question.

Travis Greenlee (00:52.478)
It shows that we've both been in the game quite a while and we've earned every one of these gray hairs, haven't

Steve Roehm (00:59.005)
Yeah. Definitely been doing this for a minute. Yeah. Yeah. 25 years into it. was, it was 25 years ago in April when I quit smoking and that, that was my introduction to hypnosis and, uh, yeah, just my life changed from that

Travis Greenlee (01:02.492)

Travis Greenlee (01:07.334)
Wow, that's


Travis Greenlee (01:15.166)
Dude, let's start there. Again, perfect segue, perfect kind of intro in terms of like 25 years. Again, not many people have been in any type of game. I'm especially an individual career like yours for this long. How'd you get into this? Like tell us a little bit about that backstory. And I'm sure that there's the dark night of the soul, right? There's the good, the ugly, everything in between. Spill it, man. Spill the beans.

Steve Roehm (01:17.016)
Yeah. Yeah.

Steve Roehm (01:37.966)
I've, uh, yeah, I've been through it. I was, I was self -destructing 25 years ago, quite honestly, and I wasn't happy with my life. I didn't like where I was. Uh, a lot of drugs, alcohol, mainly alcohol, really, uh, smoking two packs a day. Uh, I mean, I was, I was really out of control and got hypnotized and walked away from the cigarettes. And I honestly, I thought, honestly, I thought it was a bunch of BS. I thought there was no way this is going to work on

And, walked away from the session and just didn't care anymore. It's, it's like the switch had been turned off no more than you would want a cigarette right now. would imagine, you know, it just, it, it just wasn't, it even a thought. In fact, it was hard to even think about

Travis Greenlee (02:23.592)
Right. And I guess that's the whole point behind it. And the magic and the power of hypnotherapy is to change states and to change habits so quickly and so rapidly, because I would imagine you tried, right? Again, with the drugs, the alcohol.

Steve Roehm (02:36.194)
I tried, yeah, I tried for a couple of years to quit it. couldn't. I didn't think I could. Now. Now the thing is I was really ready then. And, you know, what I've learned about hypnosis is I tell this to everybody. It's not about me. It's about you. It has nothing to do with what I do. It's who you are inside that you haven't connected with yet. And what my job is, is to help your mind connect, your, you to, to different resources inside.

that you haven't been able to access because I don't, I, all I, all I'm here to do is guide people into an experience. I'm not some magical worker going, poof. Now you're this. they already know how to do what they want to do. They just don't know how to do it. And for the most part, and I think this is true for most everybody, people are flailing around in four feet of water. They just don't know they can stand

And, and really my goal is to help them understand that it's okay. You can, you can be better than you've been being. Just stop doing something you've been doing and make yourself better than that. now it's a little more complicated than that, obviously. Yeah.

Travis Greenlee (03:48.754)
Yeah, it sounds so simple. I'm like, okay, you know, I'm, if it was that simple, think we'd all be and we do. What do you think it is that prevents people from standing up in the water? Right? Again, because I think we all want the best for ourselves and whether it's our businesses or our relationships or our health and fitness or, know, whatever it is that we're into, we, certainly want the best for ourselves. What, what's the block? Why do you think it is that so many people are

Steve Roehm (04:09.39)
cortisol, dopamine, serotonin, old stories, old experiences that they've held onto as if they are real. I just had this conversation with my class a little while ago that people are still living their life based on experiences they had when they were five years old. Those stories hold on. And then we, have these lenses through which we look at life.

and these beliefs that we hold onto that, you know, I can't achieve that or whatever it is. So it's easier to go pick up, know, pick up the old phone and go to Instagram and spend, you know, spin through there and get your dopamine fix rather than actually doing something worthwhile with life. but I mean, there's, there's a lot of different layers. really depends on the individual what's going on with it, but all of those things play into that. you know, the way I think hypnosis works.

It's, don't know if you were going to ask me this question or not, but I think it's important for the audience to understand this is I don't, I don't think that hypnosis is, is me taking control of your mind or anything like that. What I believe hypnosis is, is when you're unconscious or your subconscious mind accepts an idea as a new truth. And then from that truth, it could be a little T truth or a big T truth, but from that truth, creates new beliefs, new behaviors and new perspectives.

But it just, it's all coming from the stories we tell ourselves.

Travis Greenlee (05:43.304)
Right. And I think most of us that are into personal development, right. We've been around, we, we've heard some of this stuff. Maybe we've experienced some of the stuff, read the books, we've taken the courses, maybe we've done some coaching and so on and so forth. But yet a large majority of us are still stuck. So is it just the stuff is just so ingrained and so buried underneath the surface that we just can't see it. Like we just operate on top of it, or at least attempt to operate on top of

Steve Roehm (06:08.814)
Well, I think you as a coach, you'll appreciate this. We can't see what we can't see. We don't see our own behaviors many times until somebody calls us out on it. So a lot of it's that they just don't understand what they're, what they're doing. That's replacing the thing that they know they should be doing or why they're doing those things or why they're sabotaging themselves.

You know, sabotage can come from, again, going back to, I just finished teaching a class about an hour ago. So we were talking about mindset and where all these things come from. And just because your parents had a belief about money, about business, about business people, about people who have money, that's their story. But people carry them on with them as if they're real. You know, can go back and look at my dad. My dad spent his entire life working in factories.

And he was always on the floor. He was never the guy with the tie, you know? And of course, coming up through the seventies, the guys with the ties were usually Jack asses. Excuse my language. I were all adult here, I think. but yeah, I, this is probably the cleanest I'll get. these guys, you know, they, they were rough. They, they were, they weren't nice folks, but they were their management. Right.

Travis Greenlee (07:18.908)

Steve Roehm (07:31.458)
You know, you can't trust management, you know, and anybody who comes in who has money, well, they probably did something to somebody to get that money. And, you know, that, that mindset was, it was a part of who I was for a long time. So anytime I started achieving success and making money, I did, I started doing things that would sabotage that, you know, I would stop. wouldn't be consistent with my marketing or I would do something to really screw something up or whatever it was, but I was self -sabotaging.

And, didn't even fully understand where that story was coming from or why those actions were happening, but it was just because the BS that I had in my mind, was the belief system, which pretty much all belief systems are as much a BS, but we hold onto them as if they're real.

Travis Greenlee (08:19.068)
Right? The stories that we tell ourselves and how it negatively affects us. It's just like,

Steve Roehm (08:21.854)
constantly. Well, and, as we continue to spend them and spend them and spend them, but they become our reality.

And then we manifest that reality.

Travis Greenlee (08:31.986)
Right? And that's what you saw from your dad. Right? Again, you saw what your dad experienced. He probably saw what his dad experienced, society, what his dad experienced and on and on and on. So it's all about breaking the chain. Right? It's about seeing what works or certainly what doesn't work. Like what serves you or what doesn't serve you in terms of what you truly want in the world. Like focusing, your targeted thinking. What do you want and what do you got to do to get it? And I think a lot of that, again, we got to do the work.

All that stuff underneath the surface that prevents us from achieving these types of things. So for you, it was drugs, was procrastination, your inconsistency. Check them off. Check, check, check, check, check. Well, I think we can all relate to that. We've all got our stuff. One of the big ones that I see with my clients is, and myself included, I'm holding my hand high. We're all here together. Lack of consistency.

Steve Roehm (09:10.19)
man. It was everything.

Yeah. Yeah. I got the whole list.

Steve Roehm (09:31.448)
Mm -mm.

Travis Greenlee (09:31.606)
We get excited about something, whether it's a new marketing project or a new business campaign or something like, man, we're going to go out and we're going to do this thing. We do it for a week or two and then what? And then all of sudden it sort of fades away. New Year's resolutions, same

Steve Roehm (09:44.462)
Well, that leads me to the question is, why did you start it? What value do you actually have attached to it? And is that value valuable enough for you to continue to do it? Obviously it isn't. Because if there's real value attached to it, know, we were talking about this the other day, I go to the gym and I just started this five years

it was five years ago. joined planet fitness. went in there like everybody else had no idea what I was doing. I damaged my shoulder. I didn't go back. well, I just, I just had terrible form. I just didn't, I had no idea what I was doing and I hurt myself. And six months later, my daughter came in town and said, Hey, let's go to the gym. like, well, I've been paying for this thing for six months. Let's go. And, went in and I came back in the next day. I was so sore. could, I literally couldn't straighten my arm

Travis Greenlee (10:19.774)
Too hard, too fast,

Steve Roehm (10:41.294)
And I thought I'm 50 years old and I just went in and worked out and I cannot straighten my arm. There's something wrong with this. I, I, I've got to figure out what it is. It's important to me out here that I'm going to attach to this. So I'll continue to do this. So I don't ever experience this

Travis Greenlee (10:58.835)
Interesting. And so what was that? What was that? What was that attachment for you that was the inspiration, the motivation to, you know, get your ass back in the gym consistently and then move through pain of your

Steve Roehm (10:59.949)

Steve Roehm (11:11.724)
Well, the pain was gone. The pain, it had pretty much healed itself by then. So I made a commitment to myself. I'm going to do this three days a week. And like you said, it lasted two weeks. However, because the value that I attached to that, I went to five days a week after that, rather than stopping. And I really started enjoying what I was gaining from it. You know, it wasn't, cause I wasn't seeing much muscle happen back then, you know, it's just really kind of getting going, but it felt.

good to move my body. And about four months into it, people started complimenting me. And then all of a sudden the values change. I'm like, I really kind of like compliments. Come on, bring them to me.

Travis Greenlee (11:51.838)
not that you're a fellow people pleaser or anything, right?

Steve Roehm (11:56.994)
Well, I mean, you know, if vanity is one of the things that drives you, be honest about it. you know, I, I enjoy the compliments. Not going to deny it. liked feeling stronger. I liked the fact that when, when my dad was going through cancer, a couple of years ago, that I could show up fully as a man to help him when he needed me most. So, you know, the, the, the,

Travis Greenlee (12:01.925)

Steve Roehm (12:22.222)
workouts and the muscle and the things that I've gained from it over the past five years has, has it's evolved, you know, because I get so much more out of it it comes down to consistency. It's showing up for myself. It's not for anybody else. mean, I like the compliments, but honestly, nobody cares. You know, it's, for me, it's, it's, it's knowing that I'm getting stronger. I'm going to be 55 next year. And, and I feel like I'm

So, you know, the value just keeps going up and up and up. I, at this point, I don't ever foresee me stopping hitting the gym because I, the, I'm gaining from it more and more and how it's helping me grow, stay consistent with the things that I do. Realize that when I hit that pain threshold, that it's all in my head that I can push through that on those days when, when I'm building businesses and I go, my God, I can't do this again. No, Steve, you're full of shit. It's just a thought that isn't serving you well right now.

Push one more. You can do one more rep. You can put out one more message. You can make one more phone call. You can write another email. There's always one more thing you can do just because you don't think you can. Doesn't mean you can't because again, it's that BS that goes on between our ears. Those belief systems that hold us back. never thought I could be strong.

Travis Greenlee (13:40.19)
And, and, and, and look at you now. mean, again, and I loved it. You you showed me the before and after picture the other day from five years ago. I'm like, whoa. mean, such a crazy transformation. mean, physical transformation. And I think even more importantly is just the mental, the emotional, the leadership. Again, you and I, we've known each other a long time. We've worked together over the years and just to see your growth in your business and, your life and your relationships and your confidence.

Steve Roehm (13:46.476)
Yeah, yeah, yeah.

it's insane!

Steve Roehm (14:00.142)
Several years. Yeah.

Mm -hmm.

Travis Greenlee (14:09.746)
I think that's the biggest thing that I see in you is that you're like, you know, it's, talk about anti -fragile confidence. And so it's being bulletproof, literally like no matter what shows up. In fact, we get to the point of like, bring it on, right? Like you do in the gym, the game to play.

Steve Roehm (14:22.456)
Well, I don't know that I'm bulletproof, but I'm willing to run into the bullets regardless.

Travis Greenlee (14:27.976)
Yeah. Right.

Steve Roehm (14:29.986)
You know, cause I, I'm, I'm either going to go down or I'm going to die on this hill, you know, and, I'm, but I'm going to keep going up this hill and, know, keep getting stronger and keep falling down and keep getting up and falling down and getting up and falling

Travis Greenlee (14:45.45)
Let's talk about that, because this is a big one for most people. The clients that we work with, the people they serve, I think one of the biggest challenges that prevent all of us human beings from achieving the things that we really want to achieve is fear. Coming up against fear, being with fear and how we see fear and how we react and respond and just how we're with fear. Tell us a little bit about that in terms of how you help your clients, how you serve your clients from the mindset perspective.

Steve Roehm (14:50.467)
Mm -hmm.

Steve Roehm (15:00.376)

Travis Greenlee (15:14.11)
Like you said, having a game for you, it's the gym. You hit the gym. It's the game that gets your ass out of bed every day. gives you something to be passionate about. But it gets you up and you pass out because of it. But it's having a project. It's that passion project. was interesting. Real quick side note, but I've got a friend that is extremely wealthy, right? Over $25 million network. You would think like, man, they've got everything. They could do anything. They could call their shots. They travel, everything else.

Steve Roehm (15:20.888)
Right. Actually, it it puts me to bed every day. I got to, go at night.

Travis Greenlee (15:43.73)
she's miserable, depressed, miserable, and so on and so forth. And the reason being, and she admitted it, which is the first step, she's like, I just don't have a passion. I'm not passionate for life. I got all these wonderful things, but how much pickleball can you play? How much golf can you play? How many of these things without actually having that growth mindset? And so tell us a little bit about that in terms of fear, like overcoming fear, seeing fear as fuel, as opposed to something that

Steve Roehm (15:44.856)

Travis Greenlee (16:11.922)
you know, scary and debilitating and keeps us from the things that we really want to

Steve Roehm (16:16.942)
well, it can still be scary. It just, as long as it's not debilitating, you know, and fear honestly is a good thing in many contexts. You know, if you're hanging out and going around, going for a hike in the middle of the woods and you come upon a rattlesnake, yeah, run. it's good beer. Keep that one. You see a bear do, do what you do your thing. I don't, I don't know what, what you do with your bears out there, but, if you're supposed to run or lay down, but, do

Travis Greenlee (16:19.25)
Yeah. Right?

Travis Greenlee (16:32.958)
That's good fear, right? Smart fear.

Steve Roehm (16:46.37)
but yeah, for the most part, it's just the stories. It's, people afraid of, of, well, it could be several things. It could be a fear of failure, which is quite common. It could be again, a fear of success because if I succeed, then all of sudden I'm that guy that I thought I, I did, you know, you know, the money guy, who probably did something to get some, you know, hurt somebody. So there, I mean, there's a lot of different drivers and fear.

But again, it's all BS. It's all the belief systems. It all comes back to something that happened prior to you at the moment, because most problems don't exist in the moment anyway. Almost all problems don't exist in the moment. They exist in the thought process that we had previously from old programming, old traumas that happen. you know, and, and again, I want to go back to value because if there's enough value attached to the outcome that you want, you're going to push through whatever fear


And I get this quite often now, especially folks who are coming up around our age, know, uh, especially folks whose kids have gone off to college, you know, now they're empty nesters. They look in the mirror and go, Oh shit, who are you? And they look at the spouse and go, Oh shit, who are you? Uh, because all they've done is focus on the kids for the past 18 years. They completely forgot about who they were and what they wanted for themselves in their life. And they wake up and they're lost trying to figure things

going out sometimes maybe they're starting a business or maybe they're just going out playing pickleball because you don't know what else to do. And, it just fills time, but, it's, it's, it's an empty space filler. It really doesn't serve any purpose. And I think we're here to serve it on some level in some way, you know, to give our time, our energy, our money, or whatever it is, all the above, you know, and, I know, I know that's what brings value to

Steve Roehm (18:41.838)
is being of service to my clients and my students and watching them grow and change and experience something better for themselves. That's what keeps me going. You know, cause, uh, just like any business hypnotherapy, you know, most people don't make it six months, you know, I've done it 25 years, but the driver for me back in the day was I want to help

Travis Greenlee (18:57.694)
and you've done it 25 years.

Steve Roehm (19:06.51)
It sure as hell wasn't money back in the day. Cause in the beginning, man, I was seeing a Clyde a week if I was lucky, had zero idea how to market myself. I was going out and doing guerrilla marketing in the beginning. would, I took, uh, there was a place here in Nashville called Mr. Business Card and he actually printed business cards, you know, hard printing. was a pretty cool place. I think I spent like 25 bucks for a hundred cards and, uh, man, it was all I could do to

25 bucks to go buy 100 cards.

Travis Greenlee (19:36.158)
That broke the bank back in the day, right? Exactly.

Steve Roehm (19:39.63)
Man, I was nervous. I'm like, what if this doesn't work? I mean, really it was, was, I was at that point I was, I was messing tables and, cause I moved to Nashville. knew one person here when I moved here and he was just kind enough to let me sleep on his couch for a little while, longer than either of us wanted me there. And, but I would go to the hospitals and all the smoking areas outside and I would put cards and all the sand ashtrays and I would go to see where else would smokers be.

Travis Greenlee (19:43.656)

Steve Roehm (20:09.474)
bars, I would go to bars and I would put cards. had these little four square ads in front of the urinals in the men's room. Cause you gotta do something to where you're standing there, I guess, you know, and I'd pop cards in those. was going to bookstores and putting cards in books on, on weight loss and anxiety and stopping smoking. And I figured that's where the eyeballs are going to be. I didn't know. I had no idea what else to do. So, you know, it's, but it's grown

You know, a six figure business that keeps me happy. work three days a week now and, my clients are literally scattered all over the planet. But you know, starting off business, really do what you have to do to get things moving. And if you don't know what to do, go do something, just move

Travis Greenlee (20:51.665)
I love

Right. Just move, right? Any type of momentum. We talk a lot about, with our clients, we talk about two things. Number one is the acronym KISS. Keep it super simple. So whatever you're doing, whether it's your marketing, your campaigns, your whatever. So again, yours as simple as could be. I'm going to get some coffee, I'm going to go put them in front of people. Let's go. Direct marketing, baby. Old school. OG. But it worked. It got you momentum.

Steve Roehm (21:04.494)
Mm -hmm.

Steve Roehm (21:09.24)
Yeah. I mean, this is Carton. Yeah. We'll stick it up to my forehead. yeah. It little at a time.

Travis Greenlee (21:21.136)
It built some confidence, a little bit of confidence, built a little bit more, a little bit more. What advice would you give? So let's say we've got a new coach or a new hypnotherapist, new service professional out there that's saying, you know what? I think I really want to build this business. Not only just a hobby, of course, but I really want to like grow this thing and have that six figure or seven figure type of income and the freedom and the peace of mind and the security and all these wonderful things that goes with it. What kind of advice?

Steve Roehm (21:35.992)
Mm -hmm. Mm -hmm.

Travis Greenlee (21:48.19)
would you give somebody starting out right here 2024 just getting started with their business now what would be the best things.

Steve Roehm (21:51.894)
Okay. Three things you absolutely have to have. And I think this is going to be true for all businesses. Number one, you have to have a skillset and, and most hypnotists and hypnotherapists out there don't have very good skills, quite honestly. So if you're listening to this and you get offended by it, then you're probably that person. give me a call. We'll change that. but the thing is the most hypnotherapist out there, and I take that back.

most hypnotist out there because i'm not even going to group these people into the term hypnotherapist is they read scripts at people

So you're coming into quit smoking. Okay, sit down. Let me read this thing at you. Go ahead and close your eyes. But the thing is that has zero to do with the client in front of you with the exception of the context of what they're wanting to change. don't do the, the, that hypnotist doesn't understand how those people communicate, how they take an information.

They don't understand and how they experience their world. They don't understand what the real problems are, how it all started, how it affects them, what triggers them, what do they want on the other side of this? What is the value that's attached to the other side of this? So there's a lot of things that go in and play into that. You know, whether we're talking about moving through a trauma or quitting smoking. Second thing that most hypnotherapists out there don't have is a good mindset. That's what we just did. Finished up a little over an hour, hour and a half ago now.

Is going through our mindset module of the program that I run right now to help them start to understand first off what we did today was talking about money mindset. Because again, most people are working from old programs and if you work from an old program, you're never going to charge what you are worth. OK, and one of the questions I asked my students earlier is what do think you're worth a

Steve Roehm (23:44.75)
If you're if you're listening to this, well, I know you're listening to this because you're hearing this right now. Write that question down. What are you worth a year? Not what do you think you can bring in? Not what do you think you can charge? What do you think you are worth? Per

Travis Greenlee (24:03.227)

Steve Roehm (24:06.552)
sit with that for a while and don't try and put parameters around that. What do you think you're worth? Is every, every.

Travis Greenlee (24:12.722)
And that's a big question, right? I think a lot of, because I've dealt with our clients with this as well. And people are like, I don't know. I just really don't know. Like how would I know what to charge? How do I know how much I am worth? How much, so there's distinctions between it. Exactly, right. So how do you come up with that? Right. The value.

Steve Roehm (24:26.062)
And I see, but there's two, huge different questions right there. Yeah. Yeah. And honestly, the answer to that is priceless.

Steve Roehm (24:38.93)
If you don't think that you're priceless and you're bringing that much value to the work that you're doing, you need to change the way you're thinking about yourself and what you're delivering.

Travis Greenlee (24:48.264)
Yeah, that's it. Boom. And what you're delivering. Getting crystal clear in terms of what your clients want, what your clients need, and most importantly, what your clients are willing to pay for.

Steve Roehm (24:58.254)
Well, and those are two big differences right there too. What do they think they want and what do they need?

Travis Greenlee (25:04.03)
Exactly. And what are they willing to pay for? That's the big

Steve Roehm (25:09.806)
Yeah, well, and again, it comes down to value. What is the value that's attached to the outcome? know, I only charge $600 to help somebody quit smoking. You know, it's a two hour session. Boom, you move on with your life. Honestly, I should be charging a lot more than I

Travis Greenlee (25:24.294)
and yeah, six hundred bucks for the rest of their lives, you

Steve Roehm (25:30.156)
Yeah, if you take somebody smoking a pack a day, just in Tennessee, they're spending three grand a year just on cigarettes, just on cigarettes. And it doesn't include all the peripheral things that are attached to it. Lighters, gas to go to the convenience store, soap to wash their hands, the mints or whatever it is they put in their mouth to cover it up or, you know, all the time that they devote to it. because if somebody is smoking a pack a day, they're spending over.

over 700 hours a year smoking. Just smoking. Just cigarette at hand. Not even talking about going outside and coming back in and going to the store and all the other stuff that's attached to it. That's just with a cigarette in their hand over 700 hours.

Travis Greenlee (26:12.572)
That's insane. then plus the health, right? What about the health situation? I mean, obviously.

Steve Roehm (26:17.358)
Oh yeah. Well, you know, thing is most of my clients come to me when they're still relatively healthy. They're starting to get to the edge of it because what I see, and this is not an out for anybody who's, who's a smoker out there, but what I notice is that about 20 years and a pack a day is where health issues start to begin. That's when we start noticing problems. When people come to me and they're desperate,

highly unlikely I can help them. It would be like somebody coming to you going, look, man, I owe the IRS $150 ,000. I'm $400 ,000 in credit card debt and I need, I need a bandage right now. What do you got? You're like, no. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. You know, so it's, it's much more difficult when they show up and they're desperate. So typically they're not my best clients.

Travis Greenlee (27:00.434)
Right, teach me how to make money overnight. I'm like, whoa, right, we got some things to work on first. Exactly.

Steve Roehm (27:17.058)
But health is something that I.

Travis Greenlee (27:17.15)
So value, health and then value, like we're talking about here. So to overcome the fear, to overcome the procrastination, to get into momentum, to build a business, to help and to serve other people, it's knowing your own value, beginning with your own value, right? Is that kind what you're leading

Steve Roehm (27:22.508)
Well, health is part of the value,

Steve Roehm (27:27.982)

Steve Roehm (27:34.894)
Well, that's, that's, that's two of the three pillars is the skillset and the mindset and the mindset. There's a lot of layers to mindset. Cause again, it goes back to old belief systems and behaviors that we have and the things that affect us. The third thing we have to have is what you teach is, is actually having a business system that they can plug into. And that is

That's going to get them something that's going to last them longer than, just the hourly wage that they're expecting to get. Cause most, most hypnotists are just high paid. They just have a high paid job. You know, they're making a hundred, 150 bucks an hour, which is not terrible. mean, it's better than most, but if they don't show up, they don't have any income. And if you don't have a system in place that it's duplicatable and something that's going to get you a longer term outcome.

It's unlikely that you're, you're, you're going to have something sustainable for yourself unless you start investing otherwise, which of course I invest. I recommend as well. But, but those three things, you gotta have skills. You've got to have a mindset that you can push through whatever stuff comes up because it's gonna, it's a business. It's life. You know, most people don't make it again. They don't make it past that six months, year, year and a half because there are too many things that come up and test

And I look at tests like God going, okay, what do you, what do you, I'm going to help you overcome this now. Yep. Here's what you, you get to figure this one out, Steve. Let's go buddy.

Travis Greenlee (28:56.51)
Here's what I want you to see. Here's what I want you to experience. Here's what want you to overcome. Right? Exactly. I love her brother. Well, thank you so much for this wisdom and thank you for this insight. Again, 25 years in the business and in the space serving and supporting clients like you have and continue to do. And again, like you were telling me the other day, you love it as much now as you did when you first started. Again, you feel like a kid in the candies. You may be like it even more.

Steve Roehm (29:22.03)
I gotta like it

Yeah. Yeah. Cause I, well, I people in a higher level now. And there's a big difference that when, when you push through into that level of, I'll never say I'm a master. mean, I know it says master hypnotherapist here, but man, I'm a student. I'm a constant constant student and I hope to like it more 25 years from

Travis Greenlee (29:46.622)
Awesome. Right on, brother. So where can our audience find you? They want to learn more about you, learn about your courses, your training, so on and so forth. Where's the best place to go?

Steve Roehm (29:56.69)
Nash, they're all hypnosis .com that will get you access to all of my, all the, the, the direct work that I do with clients. you go to conversational alchemy .com as well. If you want to learn about the upcoming training that I have coming up, I haven't put a date on that yet. So, but yeah, I've got to have a podcast. I have everything unconscious that, I've still have several of episodes, several of those episodes I've got to edit down and get out now.

Travis Greenlee (30:12.414)
Okay, awesome. Your podcast.

Steve Roehm (30:23.918)
and I'm all over the socials. So come find me on Facebook and Instagram and, LinkedIn. Yeah. So I'm talking. Got a question. Let me know. Love you, man.

Travis Greenlee (30:31.166)
Come hang out. Come hang out with my brother. Steve, thanks for being here. You got it, brother. Thanks for being here, man. Love you so much. Continue with all this great work that you're doing. The world needs more of you, All right? Have a great day.

Steve Roehm (30:41.218)
Yup. Yup. No, the world needs more people to be who they really are to step into their own. That's what we need. Yeah. Yup. Talk soon.

Travis Greenlee (30:47.55)
Right on. Sounds great, buddy. Thanks again. We appreciate you being here. Bye -bye.