Lifestyle Business Quest Podcast

🚨 The Trust Recession is Here—Are You Ready to Stand Out?

August 13, 2024 • Travis Greenlee • Season 1 • Episode 5

Hey Thrivers,

It’s no secret that growing a thriving coaching business has gotten way more difficult in recent years. 

The market is flooded, clients are skeptical, and trust is at an all-time low. But is this the end, or just the beginning?

In the latest episode of the *Lifestyle Business Quest Podcast*, I’m diving deep into what I’m calling the “Trust Recession.” 

It’s a real and pressing issue, but here’s the good news: I’m sharing **5 powerful strategies** that will help you not only survive but thrive in this new reality. 

Learn how to:

🎯 Stand out in a crowded market

🎯 Position yourself as a true leader

🎯 Attract and enroll your ideal clients with ease

If you’re ready to take your business to the next level and build unshakeable trust with your audience, this episode is a must-listen. Don’t miss it!

Let’s go build the business—and life—you truly love.

To your success,


To Learn more about growing a Thriving Lifestyle Coaching Business, grab your FREE Masterclass Training Today!

It’s no secret that growing a thriving coaching business has gotten way more difficult over the past several years. With the explosive growth of the coaching industry, all the hype, misinformation and lack of results… we’ve all become not only skeptical, even worse, we’ve become cynical. So, is this the end, or just the beginning… listen in as I share 5 ways to stand out, position yourself as a leader and attract and enroll your ideal clients with predictability, simplicity and ease. 

Hey thrivers! Welcome to another awesome episode of Lifestyle Business Quest Podcast. I'm Travis Greenlee, your master lifestyle business growth mentor. Today, we’re diving deep into a topic that's crucial for every coach, entrepreneur, and business leader out there: The Trust Recession. This isn't just another industry buzzword; it's a real and pressing issue that's affecting how we connect with and enroll our ideal clients.

In this episode, we’ll explore the dark side of the coaching industry's explosive growth—how increased saturation, information overload, and outdated marketing strategies are leaving many coaches struggling to stand out. But today, we're tackling an even bigger problem: The Trust Recession. With skepticism at an all-time high, building genuine trust has never been more critical—or more challenging.

By the end of this episode, you’ll walk away with five powerful strategies to not only survive this trust deficit but to thrive in it. You’ll learn how to position yourself as a leader, build deep trust with your ideal clients, and ultimately, attract and enroll the people who need your services the most. If you’re ready to take your business to the next level, stick around—this episode is packed with actionable insights.

Let’s dive into what I mean by the “Trust Recession.” With thousands of new coaches entering the market every day, we're seeing an alarming trend—bigger claims, bolder guarantees, and flashier marketing, but often, with very little substance to back it up. The result? Potential clients have become more skeptical than ever before.

They’ve been burned by coaches who overpromise and underdeliver. They’ve invested in programs that didn’t live up to the hype. And now, they’re approaching all coaches—even the good ones—with a hefty dose of skepticism. This trust deficit is making it incredibly challenging for honest, skilled coaches to connect with the people who truly need their help. It’s a lose-lose situation: clients miss out on transformative coaching experiences because they’re too wary to invest, and talented coaches struggle to fill their programs, even when they have the skills to create real change.

But here’s the silver lining—in a world where trust is in short supply, the coaches who know how to earn it will capture the vast majority of demand in their market. So, the big question is: How do you build trust in an increasingly skeptical market?

strategy number one is to Share Your Authentic Story. First things first, your story is your superpower. In an industry flooded with cookie-cutter coaches and templated marketing, your unique journey is what sets you apart. When you share your personal story—the highs, the lows, and the lessons learned—you create an authentic connection with your audience.

Let me share a bit of my own story. Back in 2008, the great recession hit, and my business took a massive nosedive. I went from having a thriving coaching practice with a waiting list of clients to nearly losing it all. It was one of the scariest times in my life. But instead of hiding that experience, I embraced it and used it to rebuild my business from the ground up, and create a multimillion coaching business I truly love. I shared my journey openly with my audience, and it resonated deeply. People connected with my vulnerability and saw themselves in my story. That’s the power of authenticity.

So, I challenge you—what’s your story? How can you share it in a way that’s real, relatable, and impactful? Remember, your story is what will make you memorable in a sea of sameness.

strategy number two is to Deliver Massive Value Consistently. In today’s world, trust isn’t built overnight—it’s earned through consistent, value-driven actions. This means showing up for your audience regularly with content that genuinely helps them. It’s about providing insights, tips, and strategies that address their pain points and move them closer to their goals.

Think about creating a content series—whether it’s blog posts, videos, or podcasts—where you tackle the biggest challenges your ideal clients face. Show them that you understand their struggles and offer practical, actionable solutions. When people see the consistent value you bring to the table, they’ll start to trust you as the expert in your field.

Strategy number three is to Leverage Social Proof and Testimonials: Let’s talk about social proof. In an era where skepticism reigns supreme, nothing builds trust faster than real-life testimonials from satisfied clients. Potential clients want to know that others have walked the path before them and achieved the results they’re hoping for.

Take Coach Nina, for example. She joined my Lifestyle Business Quest program because she wanted to scale her coaching business without burning out. Through our work together, she was able to create a sustainable, high-impact six figure coaching business. Her testimonial is a powerful trust-builder because it shows potential clients that real people, just like them, have achieved real results through my program.

So, don’t be shy about asking for testimonials. Showcase them on your website, social media, and in your marketing materials. Let your satisfied clients do the talking, they are your best advocates.

Strategy number four is to Engage with Your Audience. Engagement is the lifeblood of trust. It’s not enough to just push out content—you need to actively engage with your audience. This means responding to comments and messages, asking for feedback, and showing that you genuinely care about their success.

One of my favorite ways to engage with my audience is through live Q&A sessions. It’s a fantastic opportunity to connect with people in real-time, answer their questions, and offer personalized advice. Plus, it helps build a sense of community and belonging—people feel seen, heard, and valued, which goes a long way in building trust.

strategy number five is to Invest in Professional Branding and Marketing. Finally, let’s talk about the importance of professional branding and marketing. In a crowded market, first impressions matter a lot. Your online presence should reflect the quality and professionalism of your services. This means having a well-designed website, high-quality visuals, and clear, compelling messaging that speaks directly to your ideal clients. 

Think about it—when you visit a website that’s polished and professional, doesn’t it immediately boost your confidence in the business? The same goes for your potential clients. They need to see that you’re serious about what you do and that you’re committed to delivering top-notch services. Investing in professional branding and marketing isn’t just about looking good—it’s about building trust from the very first interaction. Check out canva’s personal brand options to dial in your brand. 

So, I want you to take a moment and reflect on these strategies. Which one resonates with you the most? How can you start implementing it in your business this week? Remember, building trust isn’t a one-time effort—it’s a continuous journey. But with the right strategies in place, you can turn the trust recession into your greatest opportunity.

Let’s recap the five ways to stand out, position yourself as a leader, and attract and enroll your ideal clients in this trust-deficient market:

1. Share your authentic story.

2. Deliver massive value consistently.

3. Leverage social proof and testimonials.

4. Engage with your audience.

5. Invest in professional branding and marketing.

Now, it’s time for action. Pick one of these strategies and start implementing it today. Whether it’s sharing your story, gathering testimonials, or enhancing your branding, every step you take will bring you closer to building deep, lasting trust with your ideal clients.

Thank you for joining me today on Lifestyle Business Quest Podcast. If you found this episode valuable, please be sure to grab your free Lifestyle business quest masterclass training at where I share our exact process for growing a thriving $250,000 lifestyle coaching business.  Remember, in a world where trust is in short supply, you have the power to build it, nurture it, and let it set your business apart. Stay motivated, stay optimistic, and keep pushing forward toward your goals. Until next time, this is Travis Greenlee, reminding you that the journey to a thriving, freedom-based lifestyle business starts with trust. Let’s go build it together!

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