Lifestyle Business Quest Podcast

🎙️ Transforming Struggle Into Strength: How to Turn Life's Obstacles Into a $250K Coaching Business 🚀

• Travis Greenlee • Season 1 • Episode 29

What if the biggest challenges in your coaching business weren’t roadblocks… but stepping stones?

In this episode of The Lifestyle Business Quest Podcast, we’re diving into the OMMS philosophy—Obstacles Make Me Stronger—and how YOU can turn your toughest moments into fuel for growth and success. 🚀

Here’s what you’ll discover: 🔑

🔥How to shift from feeling stuck to stepping into the hero’s journey.

🔥 Why every obstacle is actually a mirror—reflecting back what needs to grow in YOU.

🔥 Real-life stories of coaches like Rex, Tracie, and Katie who transformed their struggles into $250K+ coaching businesses!

If you're ready to see your challenges as opportunities and make real progress, this episode is for you. 💪

- Travis

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What if the biggest challenges in your life and business were not roadblocks, but precisely what you needed to become the person—and coach—you were destined to be? In today’s episode, we’re going deeper than just strategies for business success. We’re exploring the profound truth that every obstacle you face is a doorway, an invitation to grow and evolve. By the end of this episode, you’ll understand how to harness life’s toughest moments to create not only a thriving $250K coaching business but a life of purpose, impact, and deep fulfillment. So, let’s dive in.

Welcome to this week's episode of The Lifestyle Business Quest Podcast. I'm Travis Greenlee, master lifestyle business growth mentor and Today’s episode is going to challenge you to see your obstacles in a new way. Whether you're currently facing a tough season in your coaching business or navigating personal challenges that are spilling over into your work, this episode is for you.

We’re diving into the OMMS philosophy: Obstacles Make Me Stronger. But it’s more than just a catchy phrase. It’s a way of life, a mindset that turns challenges into the stepping stones of your success. I’ll share not only my story but the stories of three incredible coaches—Rex, Tracie, and Katie—who faced major setbacks but emerged stronger, more focused, and more successful. Together, we’ll explore how obstacles aren’t just something to overcome—they are the very *curriculum* of your growth, shaping you into the coach, entrepreneur, and human being you’re meant to become.

Let’s start with a story that completely reshaped the way I think about obstacles. In 2008, my business was flying high. I had a thriving seven-figure coaching business, a packed calendar, and what I thought was a rock-solid foundation. I was living the dream: coaching clients I loved, skiing in the mornings, and enjoying a level of freedom most entrepreneurs aspire to.

But then the financial recession hit, and just like that, my world was turned upside down. The clients stopped coming. My revenue tanked. I had sleepless nights wondering if everything I had built would disappear. I questioned my abilities as a coach, as a business owner, and even as a provider for my family.

It was a breakdown, but it was also a breakthrough. That crisis was an invitation for me to reassess not just my business model, but how I was showing up in life. It forced me to dig deeper, to let go of my old ways of thinking, and to embrace a new path. The crisis didn’t just happen *to me*—it happened *for me*.

I realized that I had been operating in a limited model, trading my time for money through one-on-one coaching, and that wasn’t sustainable. So, I began building what would eventually become the Perpetual Client System—a system that allows coaches like you to automate client acquisition and scale their businesses to six and seven figures. What I once saw as my greatest obstacle became the catalyst for the business I have today【7†source】【9†source】.

Here’s the key lesson: *Obstacles aren’t here to destroy you. They’re here to break you open, to push you into the next level of growth and possibility.

Now, let’s talk about Rex. When Rex came to me, he was struggling in a way that many coaches can relate to. He had passion. He had skills. But he felt lost in a sea of other coaches, offering similar services. He was struggling to stand out, and it felt like no matter what he did, he couldn’t break through. His business had plateaued, and he was frustrated. He kept saying, “I don’t understand why I’m not getting traction.”

Here’s what we discovered: Rex’s obstacle wasn’t just external market saturation—it was internal misalignment. Rex was trying to be everything to everyone, and in the process, he wasn’t being fully authentic to who he was or who he was meant to serve. His story, his message, and his brand lacked clarity because he hadn’t fully embraced his *true self*.

Through our work together, we didn’t just tweak his marketing—we went deeper. We got clear on his *soul mission* as a coach. We explored the personal experiences that shaped him and the transformation he wanted to bring to his clients. Once we connected those dots, everything changed.

Rex’s biggest breakthrough wasn’t just about better branding—it was about *stepping into his authenticity*. His obstacle—feeling lost in a crowded market—was really an invitation to find himself and his unique message【9†source】【10†source】. And guess what? That authenticity now makes him stand out. He’s consistently enrolling clients and has grown his business to $15K months, all because he embraced who he truly is. His obstacle was the path to his success.

Let’s pause here and really dig into the OMMS philosophy. Obstacles Make Me Stronger. But what does that really mean?

We often see obstacles as things to be avoided or solved as quickly as possible. The ego—the part of us that craves certainty, comfort, and control—hates obstacles. The ego tells us, “This shouldn’t be happening,” “You’re failing,” or “You’re not good enough.” It’s the part of us that sees challenges as threats, and it often makes us feel like a victim of circumstances beyond our control.

But here’s the truth: the ego doesn’t want growth. The ego wants safety.

The OMMS philosophy is about moving beyond the ego, stepping into the mindset of the *hero*. The hero understands that every challenge is an opportunity for expansion. The hero knows that without resistance, there’s no growth. Just like a muscle grows stronger through resistance, you grow stronger through the obstacles you face in life and business.

When you embrace the OMMS mindset, you stop asking, “Why is this happening to me?” and start asking, “What is this teaching me? How is this obstacle shaping me into the person I’m meant to become?”

In the context of your business, this might mean shifting how you view failure. A failed launch isn’t the end—it’s feedback. It’s data that tells you where you need to refine your messaging or how you can better serve your clients. When a client challenge arises, it’s not an attack on your abilities—it’s an invitation to become a better communicator, a more empathetic coach, or to set stronger boundaries【7†source】.

Here’s a radical truth: *Obstacles aren’t in the way. They are the way*. They are your curriculum for growth. Every time you face resistance, it’s an invitation to expand beyond your current level of consciousness, skill, and capacity. And when you embrace that, your business doesn’t just grow—you grow as a person.

Tracie’s story is another powerful example of this. When Tracie came to me, she was drowning. Her business was technically “successful,” but she was completely overwhelmed. She was working 18-hour days, trying to juggle everything—client work, marketing, admin tasks, content creation—and it was burning her out. She felt like she was running on a hamster wheel, and no matter how hard she worked, she couldn’t catch up.

Her obstacle wasn’t just a lack of time—it was a lack of clarity. Tracie was trying to do too much because she hadn’t yet fully defined her *zone of genius*.

So, we did something counterintuitive: we stopped focusing on doing more, and we started focusing on doing *less*—but doing it better. We simplified her business model, refined her offerings, and implemented systems that would allow her to serve more clients without sacrificing her personal well-being.

Tracie’s breakthrough wasn’t just about automating her business. It was about realizing that *she didn’t have to do it all herself*. Her obstacle—overwhelm—was showing her where she needed to let go, trust others, and focus on the areas where she could have the most impact【9†source】. Today, Tracie is thriving, working fewer hours, making more money, and, more importantly, feeling empowered and balanced.

Her obstacle was a mirror, reflecting back to her the areas of her business and life that needed to be realigned. And once she embraced that, everything changed.

Let’s go even deeper into this idea of obstacles as mirrors. Every challenge you face in your business is reflecting something about your inner world. If you’re constantly facing difficult clients, that’s a mirror showing you where your boundaries need to be strengthened. If you’re overwhelmed by technology, that’s a reflection of where you might need to simplify or delegate. 

The external obstacles we face in business are often tied to internal patterns or beliefs that need to be addressed. If you’re feeling stuck, ask yourself: *What is this obstacle showing me about myself?* Maybe it’s revealing a fear of failure, a tendency to over-control, or a belief that you need to do it all on your own.

This is where true growth happens—not just in your business, but in your soul. When you start to see your obstacles as mirrors, you begin to understand that the challenges you face are opportunities to heal, grow, and evolve. And as you transform, so does your business.

Katie is a perfect example of this. When she first came to me, she was overwhelmed by the technology side of her business. Funnels, email campaigns, automations—it all felt like too much. She was passionate about coaching, but the tech was draining her energy and making her feel inadequate.

But here’s what we uncovered: Katie’s real obstacle wasn’t the technology—it was her belief that she had to do everything herself to be successful. Her resistance to delegating and automating was rooted in a fear of letting go, of trusting that the systems could work for her.

Once Katie recognized this, everything shifted. We implemented the Perpetual Client System to automate her lead generation and client onboarding, and suddenly, she had the freedom to focus on what she loved most—coaching.

Her obstacle—tech overwhelm—was really an invitation to *surrender control* and embrace trust【9†source】【10†source】. And once she did, her business flourished. She’s now consistently enrolling clients and has created a business that works for her, rather than the other way around.

So, how do you apply the OMMS philosophy to your life and business? Here are three powerful steps you can take right now:

1. Embrace Obstacles as Teachers: The next time you face a challenge, ask yourself, “What is this obstacle here to teach me?” Reframe it as a lesson, not a setback.
2. Look in the Mirror: When you face resistance in your business, look inward. What is this challenge reflecting back to you? Where do you need to grow, heal, or let go?
3. Simplify and Delegate: If you’re feeling overwhelmed, it’s time to simplify. Focus on your zone of genius and delegate or automate the rest. Remember, doing less doesn’t mean being less productive—it means being more focused and aligned.

As we wrap up today’s episode, I want to remind you that the obstacles you face aren’t in your way—they are the way. Every challenge, every failure, every frustration is an opportunity for growth. When you embrace the OMMS philosophy, you stop seeing yourself as a victim of circumstances and start seeing yourself as the hero of your own journey.

So, think about the obstacles you’re facing right now. What are they trying to teach you? How can you use them to grow into the person—and coach—you’re meant to be?

If you’re ready to take this deeper and learn how to turn your obstacles into a thriving $250K+ lifestyle coaching business, I invite you to grab your free Masterclass at In that Masterclass, I’ll walk you through the exact 5 steps Rex, Tracie, and Katie used to transform their challenges into success【7†source】【9†source】.

Thank you for joining me today on *The Lifestyle Business Quest Podcast*. Keep embracing your obstacles, stay strong, and I’ll see you in the next episode!

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